Preparation of a patent application is the founding act on the path to creating value. It is not simply a “notary act” that turns a scientific or technical note into a formal document. IP TRUST has developed work methods…
The aim of a freedom to operate (FTO) study is to check if an activity such as commercialisation, importation or manufacture of a product infringes an intellectual property right. By extension, such a study can…
For a company to get the best out of a intellectual property policy, all the employees need to be aware of and understand the essentials.
A legal opinion is a doctrinal way of thinking which, in certain contentious hypotheses, inspires the judge as a basis for his decision or enlightens the parties about a decisive question to conclude an agreement.
The complementary nature of intellectual property law and competition law represents one of the key focuses of the partnership between IP TRUST and law firms.
Too often, the term “counterfeit” covers a range of realities…
After benchmarking all the intellectual property rights management tools and a successful experience in in-house development, IP TRUST chose a platform which meets high standards of reliability, with functionalities that privilege interaction…
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