Evasive strategies

Evasive strategies

« Competitor patents: stimulating your own innovation »

This service provides assistance for industrial companies looking for a technical solution that is free to operate, or to avoid a bothersome patent, using information in the public domain through analysis of published patents.


The service is divided into several stages:

  • Analysis of the bothersome patent and its state of the art to appreciate the scope and critical characteristics
  • Gathering information by studying earlier and later patents to identify the characteristics which are protected and those which are in the public domain
  • Analysis of the value of the device protected by the earlier patent and creativity sessions to find technically achievable, legally available and commercially attractive alternatives.

Analysis of the freedom to operate and patentability of the alternative solution


Mission for a distributor of anti-theft devices for vending machines: development of a case outside of the scope of the patents, leading to a range of innovative products and the company’s international development.

Mission for an automotive supplier: redesign of a sensor to avoid the patent of a Japanese competitor.

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