Collaborative project coordinator

Collaborative project coordinator

Reconciling collaborative innovation (or open innovation) and intellectual property is a major challenge. It is not enough to be able to write contracts. The success of a collaborative project resides first and foremost in the creation and maintenance of a trusting atmosphere between all partners.


Through its in-depth knowledge of academic and business operators, IP TRUST has developed expertise in collaborative projects and consortium contracts.
We often train project managers at training sessions organised by the INPI, the IEEPI, the Carnot institutes and competitiveness clusters.

We also support collaborative project pilots in the negotiation and contract phase using a tested methodology for clarifying the expectations and objectives of each partner.



We introduce major accounts to open innovation approaches and experimentation, with strict consideration for legal compliance. This experimentation is translated by open collaborative platforms, innovative labs, collaborative innovation tools with customers and suppliers, etc.

We work with partners who have the highest accolades in IT systems and collaborative platforms, 2.0 networks and management consulting.

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