

IP TRUST integrates scientific, legal and financial expertise. Two of its founders, Pierre Breesé and Alain Kaiser, are court-assigned experts at the Paris Court of Appeal. They have in-depth knowledge of issues concerning raising capital, buying intangible assets or innovative companies and the main French and international market operators.

We have developed high-performing methods to analyse intellectual property policy within the framework of due diligence. Our approach identifies the strengths and weaknesses of IP rights and corporate IP policy in an objective and documented manner, treating the audited company with respect. This approach is supported by operational recommendations to reduce risks and increase the potential of the analysed IP.

Partnership with law firms ensures all the aspects of due diligence are integrated in a perfectly coordinated and coherent way, with optimised responsiveness and costs.



In an economy where intangible assets are becoming increasingly prominent, it is essential to know how to measure the reality of their value using rigorous and objective approaches. This is the subject of this book which develops, pragmatically and in-depth, the best practices to be used to evaluate intellectual property rights.

The book is mainly for professionals who deal with intellectual property and want tools that can quickly be applied to the different cases they encounter professionally. Lawyers, corporate legal experts, chartered accountants, public or private research evaluation services, company directors, management controllers, corporate bankers, investment fund managers, venture capitalists, licensing specialists, IP consultants, tax specialists, licence engineers, technology specialists, legal representatives and liquidators, company assessors and industrial cooperation managers…everyone can find the models and techniques for evaluating intellectual property rights.


They will also find through real experiences:

  • essential elements for structuring the operational and financial management of their intellectual property
  • all the useful techniques for transferring intellectual property rights and specific management techniques
  • essential theoretical concepts on the subject

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