IP TRUST is the natural partner for industrial SMEs through its close field work (its partnership with law firms means it is present in most towns in France) and in-depth understanding of how SMEs operate and the challenges they face.
We are utterly convinced of the essential connection between IP, innovation and industrial revitalisation. IP and innovation are similarly:
- the guarantors of an industrial activity which is a source of employment and wealth,
- the consequence of constant confrontation between technical problems encountered during industrial production – a source of innovation.
A small business director often has an ambivalent view of IP which is translated by the feeling that “Our patents serve no purpose, but our competitors’ patents ruin our life”. The paradox is that an intellectual property strategy for a small or mid-sized enterprise is a complex process but intellectual property is a major contributor to the longevity and development of the company itself.
IP TRUST assists SMEs in the protection and defence of their innovations but also and even more so in developing strategy so the intellectual property fully serves the company in conquering and securing markets and does not represent a source of risk and fragility in its industrial and commercial activity.
This concern for SMEs is illustrated in two practical guides produced on request from the public authorities: “SMEs, think about your IP!” and “SMEs, think about combining IP and standardisation in your innovation strategies!” The aim of these guides is to demystify IP by showing how it can contribute to a small or mid-sized enterprise’s competitiveness.
This guide, prepared with the collaboration of the General Department of Competitiveness, Industry and Services is designed to raise the awareness of SME directors about intellectual property, its practices and challenges.
It answers many questions about managing intellectual property and guides the director through IP integration at every key moment of company life. It presents many examples of best practices and case studies.
Online on the Ministry for Industry’s website : download the guide
The guide covers the complementary nature of the two notions which, initially, appear to have no real connection. And yet, IP and standardisation have the shared objective of economic development and support for innovation. There are many well-known books and websites covering IP, IP management and standardisation.
This guide offers food for thought about strategic IP management and standardisation within a coherent approach to business development. The guide begins with classic questions for directors of small and mid-sized companies. Every questions is part of a module on two pages which provides an overall view of the answer, on paper and on screen: title, subtitles, text, illustrations and the essentials.